puts "Hello World"

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4 min read
puts "Hello World"

Sup Guys

Hey folks, how's it going? , welcome to my small piece of the web. I'm Junior, from São Paulo, Brazil. This is where I'll be sharing my developer journey, talking about web development, tech, books, movies, TV shows, and my latest passion, 3D printing. Currently, I have a degree in Information Technology Management and I'm pursuing a postgrad in FullStack Development. Tech is my thing, and I'm always excited to learn something new. I hope you enjoy the content and find it inspiring in some way.

and... just a heads-up

Note: Alright, what I gotta get across in this first post is that everything here comes from my own experiences and thoughts. I'm no guru in anything, but I'm all in for learning and spreading what I pick up. I'm following the footsteps of Felipe Deschamps and Fabio Akita, one of my mentors, like him, I wanna help change people's lives through tech.

and... just a heads-up

This space is my brain dump, where I store important stuff since my memory isn't always sharp due to ADHD. I'm not looking for fame or a fanbase, just sharing what matters to me.

guess what? I've been on this awesome coding journey for the past few months! It's been a rollercoaster of practicing, getting frustrated, working my tail off, and having those incredible "Aha!" moments. And now, ta-da! I'm all pumped up to start building my very own projects, starting with the blog you're reading right now. How cool is that? Let's dive in! 🚀

How is the blog built?

Depending on when you have found this website some of the things I’ll mention here may have not been implemented yet.

I see a lot of websites on the Internet. I want to create my own blog where I can write whatever I want. Regardless of the tutorial, notes, or journal. Therefore, I started learning web development skills in 2009. First, I learned HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. After a few years, I realized that a static website was not enough for me. So, I started learning React.js and then Next.js and now Ruby and On Rails.

So... Welcome to my digital space! Here's the lowdown on what you'll find around here:


Get ready to explore my latest posts, the freelance services I offer, and the programming languages, libraries, and tools I love using in my projects.


Curious to know more about the person behind this site? This is where you'll get the scoop on who I am and what I do.


Buckle up for a wild ride through my posts! I'll be diving into web & mobile development and all things programming. From the basics to decision-making on the road to becoming a developer, we'll cover it all.


Wanna see my personal projects? This is the spot! I'll walk you through each project, sharing the main idea, how I tackled it, and the awesome programming language, libraries, and tools that brought it to life.

Snippets (working)

As the name suggests, you'll find a treasure trove of resources and tools here. I've got code snippets, handy tips, and best practices to help you in your own projects.

Guestbook (working)

Have thoughts or suggestions? Reach out to me here! Let me know what you want me to write about or just say hi. Oh, and don't forget to check out my github page for quick programming nuggets (find the links in the footer).

Much More

I've got big plans brewing, but we'll take it one step at a time. Baby steps, right?

Final Thoughts

I'm thrilled to share my journey as a self-taught web developer. I hope you find the content useful. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and best of luck on your own journey! Let's rock it together! 🚀

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